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Want StreetDoctors training near you?

If you are aged 11-25 and would like StreetDoctors training near you, nominate your school, youth club or community centre.

StreetDoctors believe that knowledge is power. We train young people aged 11-25 with lifesaving emergency first-aid skills, such as what to do when someone is bleeding or knocked out. Our training helps you to know what to do if someone is in danger from violence. You can learn the biology behind medical emergencies and become lifesavers in your community!

Our emergency first-aid training is delivered in schools and youth, sports or community groups by young volunteer trainers who are student nurses, doctors or paramedics.

We believe young people like you are the solution to violence, not part of the problem, and that you have the power to make real change in your communities.

If you are aged 11-25 and would like StreetDoctors training, nominate your school, youth club or community centre here:

This form is for young people to complete only

"*" indicates required fields

We will contact this person to ask for a StreetDoctors training session. If you don’t know the name or any contact information please leave it blank
Your name
Your name will be used to tell the place you are nominating that you have asked for a StreetDoctors training session. It will not be stored by us or used for anything else.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

If you are a teacher, youth worker or an adult working with young people, please speak to our Delivery Team about requesting StreetDoctors training by clicking here: book our programmes