As the Learning & Development Manager, I develop our training sessions to make sure that they are the best they can be for the young people we train. I also provide our teams of volunteers with the knowledge and skills they need to deliver successful and impactful training to young people, which empowers them to help each other.
Why StreetDoctors?
StreetDoctors’ mission speaks to me, as I want to help make the world a better place for young people. Working with young people, I know how powerless they can sometimes feel in the big events that alter the course of their lives so I wanted to be a part of empowering them to be part of the solution. I’m a big believer in fostering independence in young people, so it’s amazing to be a part of their skills development.
Before StreetDoctors, I managed volunteer and Learning & Development journeys in youth work and education contexts, including young volunteers aged 13+ to develop leadership skills. I’ve also worked with young people of all ages as a qualified teacher, learning mentor and as a volunteer.
Outside of StreetDoctors
I love indoor climbing – I’m currently too scared to try outdoor climbing but maybe I’ll work up to it one day! I get a lot out of spending time outside, whether that’s in my own garden and greenhouse or walking around the Peak District or the Lakes. We’re blessed up north with some gorgeous local scenery, so spending time outdoors just makes sense to me! I love to travel, and am always looking for the next bargain flight to explore a new city.