Thank you so much to all our current and past grantmaking partners who have helped us achieve our goals.
If you would like to join in supporting us, StreetDoctors is an ideal partner for grantmakers looking to make a social impact in the areas of children and young people, health and education.
This year we are aiming to:
- Reach more young people who need us with our lifesaving skills across the UK.
- Expand the training content we deliver by co-creating new training resources with young people affected by violence.
- Further develop our Stepwise education programme that trains young people how to deliver lifesaving workshops to their peers.
- Provide even better training and support to our movement of healthcare volunteers.
We are looking for grantmakers to partner with us in 2024 to make all this vital work a reality. Please contact gerard@streetdoctors.org for more information.
This innovative project, set up by young doctors for young people, has real potential to reduce the pointless daily injury and preventable deaths that we see on our streets on a daily basis. Increasing awareness among the population that see penetrating trauma [stabbings] happen in front of them, and teaching them to deal with bleeding in the vital minutes before services like mine attend, has real potential to tip the balance and save young lives