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Blog30th June 2023

Training LGBTQ+ young people with lifesaving skills during Pride Month 2023

Our London Coordinator, Edward, speaks about his work with an LGBTQ+ group in south London, and what it is like to be able to empower vulnerable young people with lifesaving first aid skills.

“I am really proud to be able to work with young people who are at risk of violence and over the month of June it was especially important to me to raise awareness of and highlight violence affecting young LGBTQ+ people. 

Delivering a session at Free2B, a London based alliance for LGBTQ+ young people, was something which really sticks out to me – they are a fantastic organisation and as someone in the Gay community, something which would have made a really positive impact on me and others if it was accessible whilst growing up. 

The young people here were fantastic and extremely knowledgeable, especially about the ways violence affects their community. They really enjoyed the session and learnt a lot from it – whilst also teaching me some new and relevant information! 

StreetDoctors, our staff and our partners are all champions of diversity and inclusion and I am always overjoyed to work alongside people who want to provide a safe and welcoming space within our sessions and in the wider community.”

Edward delivering a session with a volunteer to young people at Southwark College