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StreetDoctors news30th March 2023

StreetDoctors in 2022: Inspiring and Empowering Young Lifesavers in Communities all over the UK

In 2022 we bounced back after the pandemic to meet the needs of young people affected by violence. We trained nearly 5,000 young people with lifesaving first aid skills and knowledge, by working with over 300 youth partners across the UK.

We are really pleased to launch our 2022 Impact Report – Inspiring and empowering young lifesavers in communities all over the UK, showing the direct impact we have on the lives of young people affected by violence through our emergency first aid training. We also highlight all the projects we have been working on to improve our reach and expand our delivery.

Since being registered as a charity we have empowered over 25,000 young people and we now have 23 volunteer-led teams in 18 cities all over the UK.

Before the session I would have been reluctant to deliver first aid if someone was bleeding, but after learning how quickly someone could bleed out I would definitely do first aid.

Young person after attending our ‘What to do if someone is bleeding’ training session

So many of the young people we work with at StreetDoctors view their experiences of violence as normal, as just part of growing up, which is deeply concerning, and something we should not be tolerating. Our work, empowering young people to become street doctors themselves, forms part of the jigsaw of approaches to reducing the impacts of street violence. Our work doesn’t blame or stigmatise young people, in fact we see them as the route to more lives saved, inspired by our healthcare volunteers who deliver our training.

Lucie Russell, CEO
Photo credit: Claudia Leisinger