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How can I help if someone is bleeding?

What to know if you see someone who has been stabbed. From our Instagram #YoungLifesavers series

How can you help if someone is bleeding?

  1. Call an ambulance (999)
  2. Make sure it is safe
  3. Apply pressure to the wound

Why do you apply pressure to a wound?

  1. Blood flows around our body in tubes
  2. Applying pressure squeezes the tubes
  3. This reduces blood loss from the wound

How do you apply pressure with an object still in the wound?

  1. DO NOT remove the weapon from the wound
  2. Call the ambulance (999)
  3. Apply pressure to the wound around the weapon

Why should you leave an object in the wound?

  1. DO NOT remove the weapon from the wound
  2. The weapon acts as a plug
  3. This prevents more blood loss