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#ApplyPressure campaign

Your friend has just been stabbed. You’ve found someone in the street who’s bleeding. Would you know what to do?

Your friend has just been stabbed. You’ve found someone in the street who’s bleeding. Would you know what to do?

StreetDoctors #ApplyPressure campaign wants to help you to know what to do if this ever happens to you. You could save someone’s life. Share this film to spread the word.

Trigger Warning: Some of the scenes in this film may be distressing and you might feel shocked or upset when you watch it. If you feel this way for confidential support you can call, chat or message Childline or Samaritans, and The Mix offer discussions boards, group chat or professional support. If you need help with your mental health urgently you can contact the Shout crisis text service 24/7 on TEXT85258

The three things to remember

1. Call an ambulance

dial 999 and ask for an ambulance. They will offer you support over the phone. You will be asked why you need an ambulance and where you are. You are not required to give your name.

2. Stay safe

make sure you are not in danger before approaching the person.

3. Apply pressure

on or around the wound until the ambulance arrives. See how to do this below.

How do you apply pressure?

If there is no object apply pressure directly to the wound. Try and wrap clothes or something similar around your hands like this:If an object is in the wound DO NOT REMOVE IT. The object is stopping more blood loss. Apply pressure to the wound like this:

Inspired to do more

  1. Share the film with friends and family. Make sure everyone you know knows how to #Applypressure and save someone’s life.
  2. Nominate your school, youth or sports club for a StreetDoctors training session. Learn more skills to save lives and make your communities safer.
  3. Volunteer – we will be recruiting volunteer trainers who are student or young professional nurses, doctors and paramedics in September 2021.
  4. Donate to StreetDoctors. If you can, please help us reach more young people and save more lives.
  5. Join our mailing list to hear regular news and updates from StreetDoctors.