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StreetDoctors Save Lives E-Learning App

Our new StreetDrs Save Lives E-Learning Course provides innovative digital training for young people affected by street violence across the UK.

StreetDrs Save Lives E-Learning Course delivers app-based peer-to-peer learning for self-directed or small groups, and focused training in secure and semi-secure locations.

Complementing our face-to-face training, the E-Learning App ensures we can have maximum impact with those with the greatest needs.

Our young healthcare volunteers, Amy and Badr, lead you through the training which was carefully co-created with healthcare professionals, digital education experts, Violence Reduction Units, and young people affected by violence.

Watch the launch of our e-learning app with Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership, Manchester Violence Reduction Unit and Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester.

The courses

Bleeding: What to do

What to do if you find someone who is bleeding. Also challenges myths, and increases knowledge about the consequences of violence.

Knocked Out: What to do

What to do if you find someone who has been knocked out and is either conscious or unconscious. Also increases knowledge about the consequences of violence.

StreetDoctors in Action

Embedding learning from the previous courses by using a series of real-life scenarios.


The app-based training follows the same format as our live sessions, providing an interactive intervention to a wider audience that can be used for one-to-one or group-based delivery. All our training is trauma informed.

By using the app, young people will:

How to get StreetDrs Save Lives E-Learning Courses

Get all three courses for just £10 per person!

If you would like more information or are considering a large order, get in touch with the StreetDoctors team:

07763 457712

We really value StreetDoctors – especially the professional, friendly delivery by the volunteer healthcare trainers. The educational message helps to debunk myths some young people have about knife and weapon injuries, and also provides young people with practical skills about what to do if they find themselves in an emergency. I am really excited about the new StreetDrs save lives App developed with Merseyside VRP and Manchester VRU.

Stephen Collier Youth Justice Service Lead, Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership

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