As the External Communications and Advocacy Coordinator, I make sure that StreetDoctors has a strong brand that tells a clear story. As we grow and develop as an organisation, it’s important others understand our mission and the work we do, and are encouraged to join us as part of our journey.
A lot of my work is understanding the landscape StreetDoctors is working within, considering our stakeholders and the impacts on them. For me, my role is all about ensuring that what we do, how we act, and the steps we take, is all driven by what we know.
Why StreetDoctors?
I am so passionate about the importance of youth work; the need for youth work and the impact it has. Young people are ALWAYS part of the solution – it’s just about giving them the opportunities to use their voice, their skills and their insight in a positive and meaningful way.
Young people have the power to make incredible change; we just have to believe in them and give them the right support in helping them believe in themselves.
My background is a mix of Youth and Community work and Communications and Marketing.
Before Street Doctors I worked at a local Youth Zone as their Communications Manager. It was great to be hands on and work with the young people, whilst also supporting the overall growth of the organisation through our communication channels and networks.
Prior to this I worked for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority in the Communications and Engagement Team. I learnt so much here about insight, policy, engagement, media, and communications that it shaped the direction of my future work. I also worked really closely with the Youth Combined Authority which was my favourite part of the role!
Outside of StreetDoctors
When not at StreetDoctors, I also work part time at a local Museum and Art Gallery which I love – I get to constantly learn about history which is great for my brain, and I get to meet so many interesting and expressive people from the art world.